Each and every one of us humans tend to fall asleep at some point during the day and also,mostly at nights. Sleep is an inevitable part of our human nature and also a contributing factor to the development of an individual.
Here are a few things that happen to our bodies when we sleep:
Repair of body tissues and cells: While we are asleep, our immune system secretes Cytokines which are a large group of small proteins that helps in controlling the growth and activities of other immune system cells and also the blood cells. This proteins repairs damaged body tissues, fight inflammation and infections targeted at the body.
The Brain gets to work: We all know that the human brain controls mostly all activities carried out by the body, hence it is always busy during the day time. But you thought it rests at night didn’t you? Shocker! Our brain does not sleep even at night but rather it gets busy with processing the events that happened during the day, storing new information and getting rid of toxic waste. That’s why we wake up refreshed and ready for a new day.
The body is relaxed and at rest: During the night time our bodies are calm and relaxed because we aren’t running around or working at such times. The body releases some anti- stress hormones that aid in calming down the body system. It also lowers the cortisol level in the body, a cortisol is a stress hormone that keeps us alert in time of danger, it increases our blood pressure and heart beat rate especially when we are afraid but while we are asleep the body is made to believe that we are away from danger and so this stress hormone is regulated.
Growth: While we sleep, the pituitary glands in our bodies release growth hormones that make us grow. That is why children are encouraged to sleep more so as to grow and develop rapidly.
Temporary muscle paralysis: During sleep, inability to move your muscles occur and this can be seen as sleep paralysis. The brain prevents your muscles from moving in a bid to keep you from acting out your dream and probably getting hurt in the process.
©๏ธ Calista
#tips #sleep #sleeping #healthylifestyle #didyouknowfacts
Chinwendu Ebuenyi 15 w
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